

According to the operation principle, there are 3 types of solar PV plants:

• off-grid systems

• grid-connected systems

• Hybrid systems.

In the case of an off-grid solar plant, the solar PV plant is not connected to the distribution grid and operates in autonomous mode. The main components of this plant are solar PV panels, storage batteries, battery charge controller, off-grid solar inverter. The consumer's electricity demand is covered by the electricity produced by the solar panels and stored in the storage batteries. Autonomous PV plants are installed in locations where the expansion of the distribution network is not economically feasible.

In the case of grid solar power plant, the solar inverter works in parallel mode with the distribution electric network. The main components of this plant are solar panels and grid inverter. The electricity generated by the solar panels is converted into alternating current electricity by means of an inverter and transmitted to the distribution network.

In the case of a hybrid solar plant, the plant can work both in parallel with the grid and independently of the grid. This system consists of solar panels, storage batteries and a hybrid inverter. When the grid is on, the plant operates on grid mode, transferring excess electricity to the distribution network and charging the storage batteries. In the absence of voltage from the distribution network, the load demand is covered by the electricity generated by the panels and stored in the batteries.